Monday 23 January 2017

Move it or lose it!

We finish uni and reach that elusive goal - a corporate job in the big world.  But what happens?  We have KPI's and budgets, most of which require us to sit at our desk all day everyday in order to achieve those goals.  If we're not at our desks we are in a meeting or travelling.  What happens to our bodies?  Well they're simply not designed to sit, that's the simple truth.  The strength that we once had in our backs and glutes disipates over the years, impacting our health and mental wellbeing.  Even if we are active, often injuries sustained on a sports field or out running, can be tracked back to this new sedentary lifestyle we've signed up for.

What's my fix?  Movement.  And it just can't be for 30 minutes before or after work.  There has to be a cultural change in corporates.   Personally, I think they'd reap the benefits.  Stand up desks?  Compulsory.  Regular movement?  Encouraged.  Health and wellness?  Priortised.  All of this stuff - cut at the first sign of cost rationing.  It's not right.  Cut the birthday cakes and carb loaded lunches.
The result?  A fit and healthy workforce, with high motivation and enthusiasm for their work... and those KPI's.

What does your workplace do that's unique to encourage workplace wellness?  Do they offer free exercise classes? (yoga, pilates, meditation, bootcamp?)


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